
Public Disclosure Commission

711 Capitol Way, Room 206 

Olympia, Washington 98504

Note that this agenda is subject to change. Please check the PDC website for the current version.

Commission member(s) and staff will join the meeting remotely. All times shown for consideration of agenda items (other than the time of convening) are approximate and may vary, depending on the amount of discussion required for each.

10:00AM: Comments by Chair Hayward
10:05AM: Enforcement Cases

PDC Case 155416 Jonathan Welch - Presented by Jennifer Hansen, Compliance Officer

PDC staff alleges that Jonathan Welch, a candidate for San Juan County Council in the 2024 election, violated RCW 42.17A.235 & .240 for failure to timely and accurately file Monetary Contribution reports (C-3 reports) and Summary Full Campaign Contribution and Expenditure reports (C-4 reports), disclosing contributions and expenditures undertaken by the Campaign as required by campaigns registered under the “Full Reporting” option.

PDC Case 157533 Malpass, Lisa – Presented by Tanya Mercier, Compliance Officer

PDC staff alleges that Lisa Malpass, a first-time candidate for public office in 2024, seeking the office of Superior Court Judge in Ferry, Pend Oreille, and Stevens Counties Superior Court, violated (1) RCW 42.17A.205 and WAC 390-16-125 by exceeding the mini reporting limitation before requesting to change from the Mini Reporting option to the Full Reporting option; and (2) RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 for failure to timely and accurately file Monetary Contribution reports (C-3 reports) and Summary Full Campaign Contribution and Expenditure reports (C-4 reports), disclosing contributions and expenditures.

PDC Case 157884 TikTok - Presented by Alice Fiman, Compliance Officer

PDC staff alleges that TikTok, owned by ByteDance, violated 42.17A.345 and WAC 390-18-050 by failing to provide inspection of its commercial advertiser books of account. TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to create, edit and share short videos.

11:00AM: Public Comment
11:10AM: Adjourn