Public Disclosure Commission

711 Capital Way, Room 206 | Olympia, Washington 98504

Note: All times shown for consideration of agenda items (other than time of convening) are approximate and may vary, depending on the amount of discussion required for each.

9:30 AM - I. Citizen Comments/Concerns

Presenter - Chair Degginger

9:30 AM - II. Commissioner Comments/Concerns

Presenter - Chair Degginger

9:30 AM - III. Minutes

Approval of:

  • Regular meeting minutes of August 21, 2014

Presenter - Chair Degginger

9:35 AM - IV. Rule Making/Interpretation


  • Discussion

Disclosing Lobbying Expenditures Pertaining to Receptions – continued from July 2014 meeting

Recipients’ disclosure requirements for gifts of food & beverage

  • Possible approval of draft language for:

Lobbying Expenditure Disclosure Rules

Amend WAC 390-20-020 Forms for lobbyist report of expenditures

New WAC 390-20-020A L-2 Reporting Guide for Entertainment, Receptions, Travel and Educational Expenditures [converting PDC Interpretation 96-03 to rule]

Personal Financial Affairs Disclosure Rule

Amend WAC 390-24-010 Forms for statement of financial affairs

Campaign Loans

  • Continued discussion and possible adoption of new PDC Interpretation concerning campaign loans

Presenter - Lori Anderson

10:35 AM - V. Legislative/Budget Update
  • Review Submitted Decision Packages for 2015-17 Biennium
  • Review Annual Draft Legislation and Stakeholder Comments

Presenter - Andrea McNamara Doyle

11:05 AM - Break
11:10 AM - VI. Reporting Modifications


Presenter - Chip Beatty

11:15 AM - VII. Annual Report
  • Presentation of the FY14 (Draft) Agency Annual Report

Presenter - Lori Anderson

11:30 AM - VIII. Executive Session

Discussion of pending and potential litigation and legal counsel. Possible action pending litigation following the executive session.

12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - IX. Enforcement
  • Robert Jesse Hill, Case No. 15-026 involving an alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.700 by failing to file a Personal Financial Affairs Statement within two weeks of becoming a candidate for State Representative in the 27th Legislative District, or no later than May 31, 2014.

    Requests for Review/Reconsideration of Group Enforcement Orders
  • Jeff Jansma, PDC Case No. 14-146
  • Tracey Rascon, PDC Case No. 14-091

Presenter - Kurt Young

2:10 PM - X. Staff Reports
  • Executive Director
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Compliance and Enforcement
  • Communications and Outreach

Presenter - Andrea McNamara Doyle, James Gutholm, Phil Stutzman, Lori Anderson

2:30 PM - XI. Executive Session - Continued
3:15 PM - Adjourn

The Commission may deliberate in closed session on any enforcement matter on this agenda, or any matters listed in RCW 42.30.140.

Meeting Summary

Grant Degginger, Chair

Katrina Asay, Vice Chair

Amit Ranade, Member

Kathy Turner, Member

Rule Making

Disclosing Lobbying Expenditures for Legislative Receptions

  • The Commission approved draft language for rule making that will relieve lobbyists from disclosing a per-person cost when reporting expenditures for certain legislative receptions and officials who attend these events from reporting food & beverage costs on their personal financial affairs statements.  The draft language proposes amendments to:

o   WAC 390-20-020 Forms for lobbyist report of expenditures, and

o   WAC 390-24-010 Forms for statement of financial affairs.

  • Additional draft language was approved that will revise and convert to rule PDC Interpretation 96-03, L-2 Reporting Guide for Entertainment, Receptions, Travel and Educational Expenditures.  The revisions incorporate criteria under which lobbyists will not be required to include a per-person cost when disclosing expenditures for legislative receptions.


The Commission found that Robert Jesse Hill, a 2014 state representative candidate in the 27th legislative district, violated campaign disclosure laws by not timely filing a personal financial affairs statement and assessed a $900 penalty.

Orders from July 2014 Group Enforcement (failure to file annual personal financial affairs statements) were reconsidered and the Commission:

  • Suspended, with terms, the $300 penalty assessed to Jeff Jansma, Fire Commissioner, Skagit Fire Protection District 4, and
  • Suspended, with terms, $200 of the $300 penalty assessed to Tracey Rascon, School Director, Cape Flattery SD 401.

Legislative Matters

The Commission approved agency-request legislation that will promote improved efficiency of agency operations and requirements (Bill Request Z-0091) and revise certain personal financial disclosure requirements for elected and appointed officials, candidates, and appointees (Bill Request Z-0007).


Advisory Matters

Interpretation 14-01, Campaign Loans, was adopted to provide guidance to candidates and political committees related to accepting and repaying campaign loans.

Filer Requests

The Commission granted new Personal Financial Statement (F-1) reporting modifications that exempt:

  • Patti Connolly Walker, District Court Judge, Spokane County, from disclosing her personal residential address information on her F-1 report for 2013, and
  • Randy Brandt, District Court Judge, Spokane County, from disclosing his personal residential address information on his F-1 report for calendar years 2012 and 2013.


The Commission meeting materials can be found at under Commission Meetings. For additional information concerning these issues contact Lori Anderson, Communications & Training Officer, at (360) 664-2737, toll free 1-877-601-2828 or e-mail at

The next regular meeting of the Public Disclosure Commission is tentatively scheduled for October 23, 2014.

Meeting Minutes