Kenny Smith filed a complaint against Marc Boldt, a candidate for Clark County Council Chair in 2015, alleging that he violated RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 by failing to file Monetary Contribution reports (C-3 reports) and Campaign Summary Contribution and Expenditure reports (C-4 reports) disclosing contribution and expenditure activities undertaken during the 2015 election cycle.
On September 1, 2016, Kelly Hinton filed a complaint against the 2012 March Boldt Campaign alleging that Mr. Boldt received a $5,000 loan repayment on August 29, 2012, but that the Campaign failed to file a C-3 report and Schedule L disclosing the initial $5,000 loan from Mr. Boldt made to his campaign.
The complaint filed by Kelly Hinton against Marc Boldt has been combined with the earlier Kenny Smith complaint filed against Mr. Boldt.
An Enforcement Hearing before the Full Commission has been scheduled for Marc Boldt for the January 26, 2017 Commission meeting. Mr. Boldt and PDC staff have completed a signed Stipulation to Facts, Violations, and Penalty.
At the January 26, 2017 Commission meeting, the Commission accepted the signed Stipulation of Facts, Violations and Penalty, which assessed a total civil penalty of $2,500 of which $1,500 is suspended on the following condition: (1) Mr. Boldt pays the $1,000 non-suspended portion of the penalty within 30 days of the date of this Order; (2) Mr. Boldt commits no further violations of RCW 42.17A or WAC 390 for four years from the date of this Order; (3) In any future campaign in which Mr. Boldt is a candidate, neither he nor one of his family members may serve as his campaign treasurer; he will use an experienced and trained treasurer in any future campaigns; and (4) In the event Mr. Boldt fails to meet any of the above terms of this order, the entire penalty of $2,500.00 which includes the suspended portion of the penalty ($1,500.00), will become immediately due without any further intervention of the Commission. PDC staff will refer the debt to the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) for collection.