When you've entered contributions that your campaign receives into ORCA, you're not done yet. You have to show that you've put that money into the bank.
To do so, click on "Make a Deposit." The date field in the upper left is for the date that you made that deposit. You will check the boxes to add each contribution attributed to that deposit date.
Make one deposit for every day that money goes into the account. If you make multiple deposits (or electronic funds transfers into the bank account) on the same day, you still want to have one deposit for that date. You may make multiple deposits for the same date, if it helps you to keep track.
Every deposit that you make in ORCA will create a report of contributions (C-3) for you to submit. Before the end of May, the C-3 reports are due when the C-4 reports are due, usually on the 10th of the next month. Beginning June 1st, C-3 reports are due the Monday after the date of deposit, for campaigns participating in the election that year.
Check out the "Key Reporting Dates" for candidates and committees on our website here.