October 18, 2024

On Oct. 30, the Public Disclosure Commission will launch its new lobbyist monthly report (L-2) filing system.  

Lobbyists using the new system will notice some changes in how they complete the report. These changes were made based on feedback from lobbyists and the public, and are intended to improve usability of the system and ensure meaningful disclosure for the public. They include:  

  • Copy function: Replacing the old carry-forward tool that users reported didn’t work in many instances, the new system introduces a copy function that focuses on those categories of information that are most likely to remain the same from month to month: compensation, personal expenses and sub-lobbyist payments.  
  • No more tabs: While current system is organized in a series of tabs, the new system will guide users from screen to screen. A menu on the right-hand rail will allow users to jump from section to section.   
  • Better organization and explanation of reporting requirements: The new reporting system provides clearer instructions about what information needs to be entered to be compliant with reporting requirements. 
  • Yes/no questions quicker to answer: In response to user feedback, the new system will not require lobbyists to remember to change the answer to every question from “yes” to “no” if they have nothing to report. Users will still need to indicate their answer to the questions, but a “none of the above” option in several screens will save some clicks. 
  • Lobbying activity reporting: Lobbyists will need to specify either a bill number or the issue in the “lobbying activity” section as required by WAC 390-20-025
  • Data entry for entertainment events: Lobbyists will no longer upload separate documents or photos showing sign-in sheets for legislative receptions. Instead, they will input the names of attendees directly into the electronic form, either by copying and pasting a list from their records, or manually typing them. This will allow the public to more readily access the information.  
  • One screen to review what’s missing: Before submitting your report, the new system will show you which fields are incomplete and provide the ability to jump directly to that part of the report. 

One other important note as we prepare to transition to the new system: Drafts created in the existing system will not be migrated to the new system. If you have any saved drafts for previous months, you should finish and submit those before the changeover.  

The Oct. 30 launch will not change how lobbyists submit and update their registrations, nor will it impact how lobbyist employers complete annual L-3s. Changes to those parts of the registration and reporting process are coming later.  

Keep an eye out for an email on Oct. 30 with tips on how to use the L-2 system after it goes live.