Toppenish School District: Alleged Violation of RCW 42.17A.555 for misuse of public facilities or resources for electioneering purposes by not charging fair market value for sign printing. (EY '21 Nov '21)




Toppenish School District


Neeland Pendlebury


  • Allegation: Violation of RCW 42.17A.555 for misuse of public facilities or resources for electioneering purposes by not charging fair market value for sign printing. The case was resolved by Mike Romero signing a Statement of Understanding (SOU) acknowledging a violation and paying a $300 penalty and by Monica Saldivar signing an SOU acknowledging a violation and paying a penalty of $150. 


Resolved through Statement of Understanding (SOU)

Date Opened

November 09, 2021

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.555


Total penalties: $450

Balance Due: $0

Mike Romero

$300 (Statement of Understanding)
$300 on 02/03/2023 (PAID - SOU)

Monica Saldivar

$150 (Statement of Understanding)
$150 on 02/01/2023 (PAID - SOU)

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