Public Disclosure Commission

711 Capitol Way, Room 206 

Olympia, Washington 98504

Note that this agenda is subject to change. Please check the PDC website for the current version.

Commission member(s) and staff will join the meeting remotely.


  • PDC Case 111409 regarding Raymond Clough | Presented by Kurt Young, Compliance Officer

    PDC staff alleges that Raymond Clough, a first-time candidate for public office in 2018 seeking the office of Klickitat County Commissioner, violated RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 by failing to timely and accurately file Cash Receipts Monetary Contributions (C-3) and Summary, Full Report Receipts and Expenditures (C-4) reports, disclosing contributions and expenditures undertaken by her campaign, as required for candidates registered under the “Full Reporting” option.


  • PDC Case 111418 regarding Donald Golden | Presented by Kurt Young, Compliance Officer 

    PDC staff alleges that Donald Golden, a first-time candidate for public office in 2018 seeking the office of State Representative in the 27th Legislative District, violated RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 by failing to timely and accurately file Cash Receipts Monetary Contributions (C-3) and Summary, Full Report Receipts and Expenditures (C-4) reports, disclosing contributions and expenditures undertaken by her campaign, as required for candidates registered under the “Full Reporting” option.