Lobbyist Summary


This dataset contains information about lobbyists and the totals from all their L2s for a given year.

This dataset is a best-effort by the PDC to provide a complete set of records as described herewith and may contain incomplete or incorrect information. The PDC provides access to the original reports for the purpose of record verification.

Descriptions attached to this dataset do not constitute legal definitions; please consult RCW 42.17A and WAC Title 390 for legal definitions and additional information regarding political finance disclosure requirements.

CONDITION OF RELEASE: This publication and or referenced documents constitutes a list of individuals prepared by the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission and may not be used for commercial purposes. This list is provided on the condition and with the understanding that the persons receiving it agree to this statutorily imposed limitation on its use. See RCW 42.56.070(9) and AGO 1975 No. 15.

Last Updated:
Field Name Data Type Description
advertising number The total amount of all advertising expenses incurred by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year. Advertising expenses include advertising costs, printing costs, and the cost of informational literature.
compensation number The total amount of compensation received, by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year.
contributions number The total amount of all contributions transmitted by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year. Contributions include monetary or in-kind contributions, exceeding $25, given or transmitted by the lobbyist to local and state candidates or elected officials; local and state officers or employees; political committees supporting or opposing any candidate, elected official, officer or employee or any local or state ballot proposition a caucus political committee; a political party; or a grass roots lobbying campaign.
direct_lobbying_expenses number For use at a future date
entertainment number The total amount of all entertainment expenses incurred by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year. Expenditures that were incurred by lobbyist or lobbyist employer(s) for legislators, state officials, state employees and members of their immediate families. • Entertainment expenditures exceeding $50 per occasion (including lobbyist’s expense) for meals, beverages, tickets, passes, or for other forms of entertainment. • Travel, lodging and subsistence expenses in connection with a speech, presentation, appearance, trade mission, seminar or educational program. • Enrollment and course fees in connection with a seminar or educational program.
filer_id number The unique id assigned to a lobbyist. The filer id is consistent across year.
firm_address text The street address of the lobbyist, usually a mailing address.
firm_city text The city of the registered lobbyist.
firm_country text The country where the lobbyist firm resides.
firm_state text The state of the registered lobbyist.
firm_zip text The zip code of the registered lobbyist.
id text PDC internal identifier that corresponds to a lobbyist's unique filer id combined with the year of registration. For example an id of 17239-2017 represents a record for a lobbyist whose filer id is 17239 for calendar year 2017.
independent_expenditures_ballot number
independent_expenditures_candidate number
indirect_lobbying_expenses number For use at a future date
lobbyist_email text The e-mail address of the lobbyist per their registration.
lobbyist_name text The lobbyist's name as registered. The name will be consistent across all records for the same filer id and election year but may differ across years due to a lobbyist changing their name.
lobbyist_phone text The permanent telephone number of the lobbyist.
net_compensation number The compensation the lobbyist received after paying any subcontracted lobbyists.
net_total number This column is the total of all expenses and compensation, minus sub lobbyist compensation.
other number The total amount of other expenses incurred by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year. Other expenses are: Payments by the lobbyist for other lobbying expenses and services, including payments to subcontract lobbyists, expert witnesses and others retained to provide lobbying services or assistance in lobbying and payments for grass roots lobbying campaigns. Advertising and printing costs are not included in other expenses.
pac_contributions number The total amount of all monetary or in-kind contribution exceeding $25 that were given by the employers PAC and transmitted by the lobbyist
periods text A JSON encoded array of properties indicating which months in the year the lobbyist was registered to lobby for any employer. If the period has the exempt property set to true, the lobbyist indicated that they chose to voluntarily register to lobby but they are exempt from the requirement to submit monthly lobbying reports. Periods are in the form "YYYY-MM".
personal_expenses number The total amount of all personal expenses for travel, food and refreshments incurred by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year.
political_ads number The total amount of all political advertising expenses incurred by the lobbyist, from all employers for a given year. Political advertising expenses are expenditures for political advertising supporting or opposing a state or local candidate or ballot measure; or public relations, telemarketing, polling or similar activities that directly or indirectly are lobbying-related.
sub_lobbyist_compensation number Payments to other lobbyists hired by the lobbyist or paid by the lobbyist from a portion of the funds received from the employer.
temp_address text The temporary address of the lobbyist during legislative session.
temp_city text The temporary city of the lobbyist during legislative session.
temp_country text The temporary country of the lobbyist during legislative session.
temp_phone text The temporary telephone number of the lobbyist during legislative session. This is usually a cell phone or the number of the "Third House".
temp_state text The temporary state of the lobbyist during legislative session.
temp_zip text The temporary zip code of the lobbyist during legislative session.
total_expenses number This column is a total of all "expenses" incurred by the lobbyist for all employers for a given year. NOTE: this total does not include compensation. It is the sum of "personal expenses" + "entertainment" + "contributions" + "advertising" + "political advertising" + "other expenses".
use_categories text In 2024, with the deployment of a new reporting system, the questions regarding how to categorize expenses changed. This column indicates whether whether reports for this firm were submitted using the new set of categories, the legacy set of categories or a mixture of the two. Reports using the new system will not include totals for Advertising or Political Ads. Reports using the old system will not include totals for Independent expenditures (candidate or ballot initiatives), direct lobbying expenses or indirect lobbying expenses.
year number The year of registration for the lobbyist. A lobbyist can be registered in multiple years.