Kardos, Phyllis: Alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.710 failure to accurate report government grants or payments on a F-1. (MAR 22)




Phyllis Kardos


Glen Morgan


The complaint alleged Phyllis Kardos violated RCW 42.17A.710 by failing to accurately file a financial affairs (F-1) statement, specifically failing to list a $3,948 payment from the Washington state Department of Natural Resources as 2019 income. 

On March 21, 2022, Kardos amended the F-1 for 2019, listing income from the Department of Natural Resources earned by a spouse or registered domestic partner between $0 and $29,999. 

The PDC found no evidence Kardos intended to conceal the amount. 

Based on these findings, staff has determined that in this instance, the failure to accurately file the financial affairs statement does not amount to a finding of a violation that warrants further investigation. 

However, pursuant to WAC 390-37-060(1)(d), Phyllis Kardos will receive a formal written warning concerning the failure to comply with PDC requirements as noted in this letter.

The formal written warning will include staff’s expectation Phyllis Kardos accurately file all future required financial affairs reports as required by law. The Commission will consider the formal written warning in deciding on further Commission action if there are future violations of PDC laws or rules.


Case Closed with Written Warning

Date Opened

March 03, 2022

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.710

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