Joshua Binda: Alleged Violation of RCW 42.17A.700 for failure to timely file annually required Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1 report) for CY2021 (GE22)
Joshua Binda: Alleged Violation of RCW 42.17A.700 for failure to timely file annually required Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1 report) for CY2021 (GE22)
Joshua Binda
PDC Staff
Allegation: Violation of RCW 42.17A.700 for failure to timely file annually required Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1 report) for CY2021
At the September 1, 2022 Brief Enforcement hearing, the Presiding Officer assessed a total civil penalty of $250, of which $125 is suspended on the condition the unsuspended portion of the penalty is paid and F-1 for Calendar year 2021 is filed within 30 days of the date of the Order and no further violations are committed within 4 years
(suspended on condition penalty paid and report for CY21 filed within 30 days and no vio for 4 years)
on 08/04/2023
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