Clough, Raymond: Alleged violations of RCW 42.17A.235 & .240 for failure to timely disclose contribution & expenditure activities on C-4 reports in support of their candidacy in 2018. (EY18; Aug22)
Clough, Raymond: Alleged violations of RCW 42.17A.235 & .240 for failure to timely disclose contribution & expenditure activities on C-4 reports in support of their candidacy in 2018. (EY18; Aug22)
Ray Clough
Conner Edwards
Allegation: Violations of RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 for failure to timely disclose contribution & expenditure activities on C-4 reports in support of his candidacy for Klickitat County Commissioner in 2018.
An Initial Hearing (Case Review Status) was held on November 1, 2022, and PDC staff opened a formal investigation into this matter.
A Brief Adjudicative Proceeding (Brief Enforcement Hearing) was held on April 18, 2023, in which the Presiding Officer found Raymond Clough violated RCW 42.17A.235 and RCW 42.17A.240 by failing to file any C-3 or C-4 reports during the 2018 election cycle as a candidate for County Commissioner registered under the “Full Reporting” option.
The Presiding Officer assessed a total civil penalty of $150, in accordance with the Brief Enforcement penalty schedule set forth in WAC 390-37-143, which is payable within 30 days of the date of the Order.
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