Clover Park Citizens for Schools: Alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.235 and .240 for failure to timely and accurately report contributions and expenditures. (EY20, APR24)




Clover Park Citizens for Schools PAC (2024)


Glen Morgan


The complaint alleged that Clover Park Citizens for Schools may have violated RCW 42.17A.235 and RCW 42.17A.240 by failing to timely and accurately file Cash Receipts Monetary Contributions (C-3) reports and Summary Full Campaign Contributions and Expenditures (C-4) reports. 

In response, Juliana DeFilippis, attorney for the Committee, responded to the complaint noting the Committee’s current (2023-2024) volunteers “realized the volunteer who used to oversee the PAC’s reporting requirements was under the mistaken impression that the PAC was below the reporting threshold. After this realization, Clover Park hired a new accountant and legal counsel to ensure future compliance.”

The majority of C-3 reports filed with the PDC in January 2024 reported payroll deductions from Clover Park School District employees. 

DeFilippis continued, noting the PDC was informed of the Committee’s actions to bring reporting into compliance before the complaint was filed and the Committee “provided a letter that explained the PAC’s history and requested an alternate response to investigation or adjudication if a complaint should issue.”

The Committee timely filed two C-4 reports prior to the February 2024 Special Election. The first, filed January 23, 2024, listed $18,106 in contributions during the campaign and $1,431.23 in expenditures. The second, filed February 6, 2024, listed $18,106 in contributions and $7,685.31 in expenditures.

While the Committee filed the pre-election reports timely, the amended reports filed in January 2024 included significantly different contribution and expenditure activity than was originally reported, which materially impacted the public interest.

Pursuant to WAC 390-37-060(1)(f), Clover Park Citizens for Schools completed a Statement of Understanding (SOU) and paid a $600 civil penalty in accordance with WAC 390-37-143 (Brief Enforcement Penalty Schedule), acknowledging violations of RCW 42.17A.235 and RCW 42.17A.240. The $600 penalty assessed resolves the allegations listed in the complaint.

Accordingly, the PDC finds that no further action is warranted and has dismissed this matter in accordance with RCW 42.17A.755(1).


Resolved through Statement of Understanding (SOU)

Date Opened

May 03, 2024

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.235, RCW 42.17A.240


Total penalties: $600

Balance Due: $0

Clover Park Citizens for School

$600 (SOU)
$600 on 07/30/2024 (SOU Payment)

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