Wilson, James (Jim) III: Alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.205 & WAC 390-16-125 for exceeding Mini Reporting limits prior to receiving approval of a completed application to change reporting options (EY24, Sept24)
Wilson, James (Jim) III: Alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.205 & WAC 390-16-125 for exceeding Mini Reporting limits prior to receiving approval of a completed application to change reporting options (EY24, Sept24)
Jim Wilson
PDC Staff
After consideration of the unique facts of this case and the mitigating and aggravating factors, the Findings of Fact, and the Conclusions of Law, the Initial Hearing Order finding the Respondent in violation of RCW 42.17A.205 and WAC 390-16-125 is MODIFIED. On review the Commission affirms the violation but vacates the entirety of the $150 civil penalty.
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