27th District Democrats: Alleged Violation of RCW 42.17A.235, .240 for failure to accurately and timely disclose contributions, expenditures, and debt. (OCT 2017)




Katie Wilkinson


Glen Morgan


The complaint alleged the 27th Legislative District Democrats may have violated RCW 42.17A.235 and .240: (1) by failing to timely and accurately file Monetary Contributions reports (C-3 reports) and Summary Full Campaign Contributions and Expenditures reports (C-4 reports), disclosing contributions and expenditures undertaken by the Committee; (2) by failing to timely and accurately disclose debt; and (3) by failing to provide the proper sub-vendor information for expenditures disclosed on C-4 reports.

The PDC has dismissed this matter in accordance with RCW 42.17A.755(1) and will not conduct a more formal investigation into these allegations or take further enforcement action in this matter. 

However, pursuant to WAC 390-37-060(1)(b), the Committee was issued a formal written warning concerning the failure to comply with the filing requirements. Staff expects the Committee to file timely and complete reports in future years in accordance with PDC laws and rules. This includes reporting debt under WAC 390-16-042. 

This formal written warning comes with the staff’s expectation the Committee amend Campaign Summary Receipts and Expenditures (C-4) reports 100706470, 100683684, 100688213, 100710282 and 100775550, by providing the additional required information on the expenditures for signs, expenses and office supplies, and will complete reports in future years in accordance with PDC laws and rules. 

The Commission will consider this formal written warning in deciding on further Commission action if there are future violations of PDC laws or rules. 


Case Closed with Written Warning

Date Opened

October 25, 2017

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.235, RCW 42.17A.240

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