Pasco Citizens for Better Schools (5) - Alleged Violation of RCW 42.17A.235, .240, .255 for not accurately and timely disclosing contributions and expenditures. (EY 18, MARCH 2018)




Meredith Taylor


Roger Lenk


The Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) has completed its review of the complaint filed by Roger Lenk on January 27, 2018. The complaint alleged that Pasco Citizens for Better Schools (Respondent), a political committee, may have violated RCW 42.17A.235 for failure to timely and accurately file Monetary Contribution reports (C-3 reports) and Summary Full Campaign Contribution and Expenditure reports (C-4 reports), disclosing contributions and expenditures undertaken by the Campaign; RCW 42.17A.255 for failure to timely file Independent Expenditures and Electioneering Communications reports (C-6 reports); and RCW 42.17A.240 for failure to accurately and completely disclose details of expenditures undertaken by the Campaign, including the number of items printed for mailed political advertising.

PDC staff reviewed the allegations; the applicable statutes, rules, and reporting requirements; the response provided by the Respondent; the applicable PDC reports filed by Respondent; and queried the Respondent’s data in the PDC contribution and expenditure database, to determine whether the record supports a finding of one or more violations.

Based on our findings staff has determined that, in this instance, failure to provide accurate and complete descriptions of expenditure details, including the number of items printed for mailed political advertising, does not amount to a violation that warrants further investigation.

PDC staff is reminding Pasco Citizens for Better Schools about the importance of the complete and accurate disclosure of all expenditure details, including the number of items printed for mailed political advertising. PDC staff expects in the future that Pasco Citizens for Better Schools will file complete and accurate reports in accordance with statute and rule.

Based on this information, the PDC finds that no further action is warranted and has dismissed this matter in accordance with RCW 42.17A.755(1).


Case Closed with Reminder

Date Opened

March 19, 2018

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.235, RCW 42.17A.240, RCW 42.17A.255

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