Google, LLC (2): Alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.345 and WAC 390-18-050 for failure to promptly provide documents and books of account concerning political advertising, upon request from any person (EY 19; Mar 19)
Google, LLC (2): Alleged violation of RCW 42.17A.345 and WAC 390-18-050 for failure to promptly provide documents and books of account concerning political advertising, upon request from any person (EY 19; Mar 19)
Google, LLC.
Eli Sanders
Allegation: Violation of RCW 42.17A.345 and WAC 390-18-050 for failure to provide documents and books of account detailing the exact nature and extent of political advertising services rendered, within 24 hours of request from any person. At the 8/27/2020 Commission meeting, the Commission referred this matter to the Attorney General for further action.
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