Dale Thornton: Alleged Violation of RCW 42.17A.700 for failure to timely file the annual Personal Financial Affairs Statement CY 2020 (GE 21)




Dale Thornton


PDC Staff


A brief adjudicative proceeding was held on 7/15/21, at which the Presiding Officer found a violation of .700 for failure to timely file an annual Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1), disclosing financial information for calendar year 2020, that was due no later than 4/15/21. 

A penalty of $300 was assessed, with $150 suspended upon the following conditions: 1) the Respondent pays the non-suspended $150 within 30 days from the date of the Order, which is 9/15/21; and 2) commits no further violations within four years.


Violation Found by Commission

Date Opened

June 24, 2021

Areas of Law

RCW 42.17A.700


Total penalties: $300

Balance Due: $300

Dale Thornton

$300 (Violation of .700 found)
$150 (If non-suspended $150 is paid & w/in 30 days; and no further violations for 4 yrs)

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