Cite as PDC Interpretation No. 02-01

Contribution Limits from Bona Fide Political Party Committees and Caucus Political Committees to Legislative Candidates

For purposes of calculating the contribution limits from party and caucus committees to legislative candidates in a year in which the adoption of a redistricting plan has created a newly constituted district for which a prior general election has not yet occurred, the Public Disclosure Commission has interpreted RCW 42.17A.405(6) to mean that the number of registered voters in such a legislative district is the current number of registered voters, as determined by county election officials as of the first day that year declarations of candidacy are authorized under Chapter 29A.24 RCW, in that district as it is then constituted.

Approved: February 26, 2002 | Revised October 27, 2011, March 24, 2022, and July 25, 2024
References:  RCW 42.17A.405

See also:  Chapter 44.05 RCW; Staff Memoranda from PDC Executive Director Vicki Rippie dated February 18, 2002, regarding Impact of Redistricting on Contribution Limits and other Provisions of the Public Disclosure Law and from Assistant Attorney General Nancy Krier dated February 14, 2002, regarding RCW 42.17.640(5) Contribution Limits and New Legislative Districts; Staff Memoranda from former PDC Interim Director Doug Ellis dated October 20, 2011 regarding the Impact of Redistricting and from General Counsel Nancy Krier dated October 20, 2011 regarding Contribution Limits and Redistricting; Staff Memorandum from General Counsel Sean Flynn dated March 17, 2022; Staff Memorandum from Deputy Director Kim Bradford dated July 16, 2024.