Annual conflict of interest statement that discloses whether a public treasurer invested funds under his or her control in an institution in which the treasurer holds an office, directorship, partnership, or ownership interest.  Required to be filed by treasurers of a:

  • county,
  • public utility district,
  • port, and
  • city or town with a population exceeding 1,000.

File now.

The Financial Affairs Disclosure (F-1) system will be unavailable during the migration to a new electronic filing application. The new system, scheduled to go live Jan. 2, will guide step-by-step through the reporting, using a series of questions, drop-down menus and other features. It's designed to simplify the user experience, prevent errors and answer questions about who must file and when.

The Washington Public Disclosure Commission's online electronic filing systems were unavailable for all filings except lobbyist and lobbyist employer reporting. The problem began on 12/8/2018 at 4:55 AM. The outage appears to be the result of a failed power circuit or battery backup on the circuit. Systems have been moved to an alternate power source while the issue is investigated. Staff were notified of the outage and began work ~7 AM and systems were available again at 8:05 AM. In the last few months, the agency has been moving systems to more reliable infrastructure.

UPDATE: PDC filing systems are now available. The agency has traced the source of the problem to a network connectivity failure on Saturday morning that led to internal systems shutting down. Reports that were due during the time of the outage will not be considered late if filed Tuesday, Nov. 6. The PDC is in the process of moving our services to a more reliable environment at the state data center that will prevent problems such as this. That work is 75 percent complete and is expected to be completed in April. 

Annual conflict of interest statement that discloses whether a public treasurer invested funds under his or her control in an institution in which the treasurer holds an office, directorship, partnership, or ownership interest.  Required to be filed by treasurers of a:

  • county,
  • public utility district,
  • port, and
  • city or town with a population exceeding 1,000.

File now.


Seek the Commission's permission to modify or suspend a portion of the personal financial disclosure requirements.  The Commission considers new requests during its regular meetings and the applicant is encouraged to attend the meeting.  A modification may be granted for a single reporting period and must be requested again if needed in subsequent reporting periods. RCW 42.17A.120*