Campaigns that wish to take an extra step to wind down their operations can, beginning June 7, file a notice of intent to dissolve with the Public Disclosure Commission.

The new option was part of Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2938, which amends RCW 42.17A.225 and RCW 42.17A.235 to… read more

Beginning June 7, Washington state law establishes email as the Public Disclosure Commission's official means of communication.

The new provision was part of Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2938. This is the second in a series of guides intended to help explain the legislation.

ESHB… read more

A new state law that takes effect June 7 makes changes to when campaigns must report debts, pledges and initial financial activity.

Public Disclosure Commission staff are working to help candidates and political committees comply with the new requirements. This is the first of several… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission, in special meetings May 9 and May 17, adopted emergency rules to apply Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2938.

The new law creates a new structure and timelines for PDC assessment of complaints, requires a new dissolution process for committees once they… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission today announced that Gov. Jay Inslee has appointed retired Superior Court Judge William Downing to the Commission.

Downing was a highly regarded member of the King County Superior Court bench for 28 years. Since his retirement in early 2017, he has worked… read more

Beginning 30 days before a regular legislative session, a legislator or state executive office holder may not solicit or accept campaigns contributions:

for any candidate for state or local office; to a public office fund; to retire a campaign debt; or for a political committee,… read more

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The Public Disclosure Commission will launch the final piece in a new suite of tools for exploring and analyzing data on money in state and local politics Thursday.

The release of the latest addition a replacement for the current Search the Database and View Reports features marks the… read more

Candidate spending in the 45th Legislative District race that will determine control of the state Senate has set records, according to reports filed Tuesday with the Public Disclosure Commission, the state's campaign-finance watchdog.

Expenditures by the Manka Dhingra and Jinyoung Lee… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission will close its Olympia office at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 9, for an annual all-staff meeting.

The office will reopen at 8 a.m. Aug. 10.

Filers and members of the public are encouraged to email requests for assistance to Staff members… read more