Beginning 30 days before a regular legislative session, a legislator or state executive office holder may not solicit or accept campaigns contributions:

for any candidate for state or local office; to a public office fund; to retire a campaign debt; or for a political committee, including a… read more

!(function(src,cb){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src=src;s.async=true;if(s.readyState){s.onreadystatechange=function(){if(s.readyState=='loaded'||s.readyState=='complete'){s.onreadystatechange=null;cb();}};}else{s.onload=function(){cb();};}document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission will launch the final piece in a new suite of tools for exploring and analyzing data on money in state and local politics Thursday.

The release of the latest addition a replacement for the current Search the Database and View Reports features marks the… read more

Candidate spending in the 45th Legislative District race that will determine control of the state Senate has set records, according to reports filed Tuesday with the Public Disclosure Commission, the state's campaign-finance watchdog.

Expenditures by the Manka Dhingra and Jinyoung Lee… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission will close its Olympia office at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 9, for an annual all-staff meeting.

The office will reopen at 8 a.m. Aug. 10.

Filers and members of the public are encouraged to email requests for assistance to Staff members… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission welcomes today's news that Thurston County Superior Court Judge James Dixon rejected a motion to dismiss two defendants from Washington state's lawsuit alleging multiple campaign-finance violations against Tim Eyman and associates. As Commission Chair Anne… read more

New tool helps public navigate campaign finance data

The Public Disclosure Commission has released a new tool for members of the public looking for information about candidates' campaign finances.

Campaign Explorer provides an overview of money in state and local races. It provides quick… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission announced today the appointment of Peter Lavallee as the PDC's new executive director.

Lavallee, an attorney, currently is the communications director at the Washington State Attorney General's Office where he works extensively on campaign finance matters… read more

A Public Disclosure Commission staff investigation led to a $454,000 lawsuit filed today by the Attorney General's office.

The lawsuit alleges that former Grant County Superior Court judge Jerry Moberg and Moses Lake business owner Ken Greene intentionally concealed the fact that they… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission has appointed Barbara "BG" Sandahl its acting executive director while it searches for a permanent leader to replace Evelyn Fielding Lopez, who announced in March she was leaving the agency. Fielding Lopez's last day was April 28.

Sandahl joined the PDC in… read more