Expenditures That Require Additional Disclosure
You must supply additional information for campaign consultants, media buys and printing, credit card payments and other types of spending.
You must supply additional information for campaign consultants, media buys and printing, credit card payments and other types of spending.
These types of expenditures require added special information:
The description of an expenditure by a PAC to support or oppose a candidate or another campaign should include the name of the candidate or campaign supported or opposed by the purchase.
Supply a breakdown of each expense incurred by the consultant along with the payment made directly to the consultant. Each sub-vendor must be entered along with a description of the work performed.
Expenditures for media buys must be broken down by the date the expenditure was made, amount paid, the date the ad is first broadcast or published if known, and each media outlet (newspaper, radio or TV station, billboard company, etc.). ORCA users who purchase flight time through an agent or broker, enter one expenditure with the broker as the vendor and each broadcast outlet is entered as a separate expense with the station name in the description.
Supply the name of the vendor, how many pieces were printed and the cost. See WAC 390-16-037 for an example.
When reporting payments to credit card companies, disclose each charge that is being paid by the campaign. Each charge should be entered as a separate expense – show the date, vendor, purpose and amount of each expense.
When reimbursing the candidate or agents of the committee for out-of-pocket campaign expenses, you list each expense being reimbursed by showing the vendor's name and address, what was paid for, and amount paid.
When reporting direct payments to vendors for campaign-related travel expenses incurred by the candidate or a campaign worker, report the date of payment, the vendor's identity, the traveler's name in the description field, and the amount spent.
When reporting payments to the candidate or another campaign staff member to offset salaries or wages lost as a result of campaigning, include a description that explains how the amount paid was calculated.
When reimbursing volunteers or agents of the committee for out-of-pocket campaign expenses, list each expense being reimbursed by showing the vendor's name and address, what was paid for, and amount paid.
Include the name of the candidate or ballot measure and whether the expenditure supports or opposes as well as the amount.
Political committees must file the C-6 within 24 hours of when ad appears to the public when expenditure is for: