False political advertising defined
It is illegal to sponsor a political ad, with actual malice, that contains a statement constituting libel or defamation per se* if the statement:
It is illegal to sponsor a political ad, with actual malice, that contains a statement constituting libel or defamation per se* if the statement:
Primary Election: Contributions given to a candidate subject to limits with respect to the primary election may not be made after the primary, unless the candidate lost the election and has debt to retire. These candidates can continue to accept primary election contributions for 30 days after the election or until the debt is retired, whichever comes first.
Discloses a lobbyist's or lobbyist employer's employment of a member of the legislature, an employee of the legislature, a member of a state board or commission, or a full-time state employee, if the employee remains partially employed by the state. RCW 42.17A.645*
Identifies recipients and amounts of campaign contributions exceeding $250 made by a lobbyist employer and not disclosed by the lobbyist. RCW 42.17A.630(2)*
Provides detail of the employer's total lobbying expenditures made in a calendar year. RCW 42.17A.630*
Reports are required to be filed using the efiling system. You may request a hardship exemption if you are unable to file electronically. Email your request to pdc@pdc.wa.gov.
Discloses independent expenditures supporting or opposing candidates or ballot measures. Also used to disclose electioneering communication expenditures. RCW 42.17A.255, 260, 305*
Discloses contributions of $1,500 or more, in the aggregate, given or received within 7 days of primary election and 21 days of general election. RCW 42.17A.265* See filing instructions here.