Are you planning on sending out large groups of emails to campaign supporters? Keep in mind, if you send out 100 or more identical or substantially similar emails, letters, or text messages within a 30-day period, this is considered a "mass communication" and sponsor identification is required… read more

When you've entered contributions that your campaign receives into ORCA, you're not done yet you also have to show that you've put that money into the bank.

To do so, click on "Transactions" and then "Make a Deposit." The date field in the upper left is for the date that you made that… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission announced today that Gov. Jay Inslee has appointed Fred Jarrett, the recently retired King County Senior Deputy Executive, to the Commission.

Jarrett is a former state lawmaker, mayor, city council member and school board member.

"Fred has extensive… read more

The bottom section of an F-1 personal financial affairs statement has yes or no questions, and the last couple are about you or your family members receiving free meals, travel, or training. If you answer "yes," you'll have to fill out part of the supplement form. If you're using the electronic… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission approved permanent rules on March 28 to implement Substitute Senate Bill 5991, also known as the Disclose Act, which creates PDC filing requirements for some nonprofits that engage in political activity.

The commission approved the new permanent rules… read more

Wondering how to report a meal with a state legislator that involves multiple lobbyists representing multiple employers?

Each lobbyist would show the amount that they paid in the "entertainment" section of their monthly report. Then, in the "participant listing" field of the electronic… read more

Getting reminders from the PDC to file your Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1) and don't understand why?

You might fall into one of the categories of filers who are often surprised to find out they owe another F-1 report:

A local elected official who retired or resigned their… read more

Are you thinking of running for office? What in the disclosure law determines that you are a candidate?

By doing any one of these actions, you have become a candidate:

Accept a contribution or spend money for your campaign, Reserve space or purchase advertising to promote your… read more

If you are a registered lobbyist who submits monthly L-2 reports, you report any contributions that you make to Washington state candidates. For lobbyists who live in Seattle, those reports should include any democracy vouchers they use to donate to City Council candidates.

Report the… read more

Wondering if your campaign can keep a contribution from a supporter who is too young to vote? Or from a person born or living abroad? In many cases, the answer is yes.

A non-citizen who is a permanent resident and has a green card may donate to your campaign. No green card, no contribution… read more