Passing the gavel

Commission Chair David Ammons, presiding over his first meeting, thanked outgoing Chair Anne Levinson for her service.

She joined the commission in 2015. In addition to her service on the commission, Levinson formerly the Seattle deputy mayor and a municipal court judge… read more

From Saturday, October 26, through Monday, November 4, any individual may email a campaign at the address reported on the candidate or committee registration to request to inspect the campaign's books of account.

If someone contacts your campaign to check your books, make an appointment… read more

Did you get a contribution from an unknown source? If you truly do not know who donated the money, you may retain up to $500 or 1 percent of the total contributions received in a calendar year, whichever is greater.

Once you surpass the $50,000 mark in total contributions for the current… read more

Changes coming to Personal Financial Affairs (F-1) reporting

The Public Disclosure Commission will make personal financial affairs disclosure (F-1) information from candidates, elected officials and others available online beginning in January 2020.

The F-1 is the only PDC form not… read more

If you file reports for a campaign, you may have seen the "Credit Card Debt" option in the ORCA system. Most campaigns should never use this feature. The credit card debt function should only be used if the campaign has its own credit card, issued by the bank just for that election campaign or… read more

Many expenditures whether made directly by the campaign or by a staffer who is then reimbursed require a detailed description of what was purchased.

Hire a campaign consultant? The public needs to know if they spent some of the money on subvendors.

Buy advertising? Report the… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission is offering support for the goals of a Seattle proposal that would limit contributions to independent-expenditure political committees and bar donations from foreign-included companies.


In a letter to… read more

If you hold an elected office and you're running for office, by state law, you can't ask government employees serving under you for contributions. You can take a contribution if they give you one, but you can't ask, and you can't have someone else ask for you.

The Public Disclosure Commission has adopted emergency rules to implement agency-request legislation passed by the 2019 Legislature.

SHB 1195 took effect immediately upon being signed by Gov. Jay Inslee on May 21.

The legislation, which was the product of public and stakeholder… read more

The Public Disclosure Commission is seeking public comment on proposed permanent rules that would help implement 2019 legislation that clarified some areas of the state's campaign finance disclosure law, enacted reforms to make reporting easier and more useful, and improved the public's access… read more